Event Engadin Samnaun Val Müstair

Exhibition Pictures Karin Butz & Iris Riatsch

Karin Butz & Iris Riatsch, Baselgia San Niclà, Strada
11.8. - 21.9.2024, open daily. Opening, Sunday, August 11, 4 p.m. Wednesday & Saturday Artists in the afternoon anw.


11.08.2024 to 21.09.2024 from 09:00 to 17:00 o'clock
Entrance free
11.08.2024, 4 p.m. Opening
Center cultural Baselgia San Niclà

Karin Butz, born and raised in Germany, in the Swabian Alb. Mother of two adult daughters. Out and about with dog Nandoo in nature, the mountains, with the animals. Resident in Switzerland for 13 years, in Strada since 2020.
After graduating from high school, she trained as a medical-technical laboratory assistant.
Afterwards, four years of guest seminars in cultural design at the Freie Kunsthochschule Metzingen in Germany. Three years of client-centered art therapy at the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Clienttencenterierte Therapie (akt) in Siegen, Germany. Two years of process-oriented art therapy at the Training Institute for Process-Oriented Art Therapy (apk) in Thalwil. One year of further training in trauma-adaptive art therapy (TAKT) at apk in Thalwil. Freelance artist for 30 years. For over 18 years, he held a leading position in process and project management in various institutions in medical technology and healthcare. For eight years she has been working as an art therapist in her own studio and in various clinics and institutions.

Iris Riatsch, originally from Zurich, in Vnà for 50 years, married to Domenic, mother, grandmother, former farmer and now passionate artist, gardener and cook.

Karin Butz, nada e creschüda sü in Germania, sün la schwäbischen Alb. Mamma da duos figlias creschüdas. In viadi cun chan Nandoo in la natüra, in muntogna, pro las bes-chas. Daspö 13 ons in Svizra, abita daspö 2020 a Strada.

Iris Riatsch, nada sco figlia d'ün sculptur, creschüda sü aint in ün ambiaint artistic.
Davo la scoula obligatorica n'ha frequentà ün on la scoula d'art a Turich. Imprais a intagliar scrittüras aint il crap in l'atelier da meis bap e squitschs in lain pro Ruedi Peter a Heiden. Meis sömmi da dvantar paura s'ha accumpli sü Vnà, cun maridar avant passa 50 ons a Domenic. Nos quatter uffants ed abiadis han chaschunà bler ingaschamaint. Adonta dal travasch da minchadi, n'ha chattà adüna darcheu mumaints per mias paschiuns da far purtrets, exposts in differents lös, cuschinar e prodüer prodots da nos chomps ed üert.


Center cultural Baselgia San Niclà

San Niclà 149, 7558 Strada

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