Graustein, Wäberlisch Cave (Rätikon East)
At the southern foothills of the Schijenfluh, climbing takes place exclusively on the Graustein and in the area of the Wäberlisch Cave. For cracks probably one of the most rewarding climbing gardens in the Rätikon massif.
Through the southwest face lead 3 somewhat alpine routes in the 6th to 7th difficulty range and at its base you will find a small climbing garden with 17 routes (5 to 7). At the Wäberlisch Höhle, on the other hand, only the sporty climber is at home in the 13 routes (up to 10–).
Public Transport
By train to Küblis (90.222) and continue by post bus to St. Antönin. Some of the courses run to the stop Sagaris / Garstett half an hour's walk below Partnun, the remaining courses to St.Antönien Platz (village). From St. Antönien Sagaris you can use the Bus alpin to the Berghaus Alpenrösli in Partnun
Anreise Information
Motorway A13 to Landquart. Take exit 14 and take the national road N28 towards Landquart, Davos, Vereina. Leave the national road in Küblis in the direction of St. Antönien, Küblis. Now follow the mountain road to St. Antönien, then drive towards Partnun until you reach car park 6.
From car park 6 you can use the Bus alpin (reservation required) to the Berghaus Alpenrösli.
In St. Antönien all parking spaces are subject to a charge. In the parking lots you can pay with cash, Parkingpay app, Easy-Park or Twint. The last parking lot P6 with day ticket is located below the partnunstafel, about 3.5 km outside of St. Antönien. The parking lot below the mountain houses is reserved for house guests.
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