Lag da Laus - Trail

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From Disentis to Lag da Laus
From Disentis train station we walk along the little-used road to Cavardiras, a picturesque village that is still inhabited all year round. We change to a dirt road that leads us in wide arcs to the mountain pastures of Caischavedra. This is where the single trail begins, which requires a certain amount of caution when crossing the Dargun da Pardomat and Dargun da Falens streams. Because Dargun means in German dragon: And like dragons, these two otherwise rather harmless mountain streams can behave after heavy rainfall. The Lag da Laus is located turquoise in a hollow, surrounded by meadows and forest. If you need to cool down, refresh yourself in the clear water, which does not reach bathtub temperature even in midsummer.
At the eastern end of the lake we follow the hiking trail that leads us downhill to Laus, which also has a few inhabitants. From Falens we cross a shady alder forest and via the fractions Pardomat, Madernal and Disla we return to the starting point.
For the last "stutz" from Brulf to Disentis we have to mobilize the last reserves.
In the area of Dargun da Pardomat the path is diverted. As of July 2022
Tip from Nina Zoller: Don't forget your bathing suit in summer – bring some time in October and listen to the roar of the deer at the Lag da Laus!
From Disentis we follow the trail towards Brulf and Cavardiras. Here the signposted hiking trail, which leads mostly over a road, branches off to the Maiensässen Caischavedra. After the Maiensässen we branch off eastwards on a hiking trail to Lag da Laus. After the lake, a hiking trail continues eastwards until we meet a road again, which we follow to the village of Laus. From Laus, turn off onto the hiking trail to Sumvitg. In Falens we turn off on a road westwards, which leads to Pardomat Dadens. Here we change the Rhine side. At Madernal we turn left onto a hiking trail that ends in Disla. Along the Rhine we walk on a road to Brulf and on to Disentis station.
Public Transport
Anreise Information
Responsible for this content: Sedrun Disentis Tourism SA.
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