Attraction Surselva
Bad Peiden, Peiden Bad

In Peiden Bad, women, children and men who had rheumatic complaints, suffered from depression, loss of appetite, eczema or women's diseases and much more were cured in the past.
According to oral tradition, the healing effect of the springs was already known in the 13th century. In 1518, the springs were owned by the municipalities of Camuns and Peiden, which at that time left this and an existing bathing complex to Caspar de Cabalzar. In 1868, a storm broke out over Graubünden and most of the bathing facilities were buried. In 1891, the baths were converted by the brothers Barclamiu and Luzi Arpagaus into a larger hotel, which still exists today. Thanks to the helpful progaganda of the doctor and writer Aluis Tuor and the poet Alfons Tuor and the newly opened Valserstrasse in 1910, which led from Ilanz directly to Peiden-Bad, the company experienced a pleasing upswing. At times, the owner Josef Vinzens-Tuor also bottled mineral water and sold it to his guests or sold it through various depots to other interested parties as "Peidner Mineral- und Medicinalwasser" The hotel flourished until the 50s and more than 40 beds had to be prepared daily in the high season. The hotel has been run as a restaurant for the last 35 years, the agricultural land worked by local farmers and the mineral water gushed unused into the Glenner. On 1 January 1999, the hotel, including mineral springs and agricultural land, changed hands again. The hotel and restaurant have been closed since around 2015.
(Source: Regiun Surselva)
Places of Magic - Cumbel/Peiden
Springs and spas
Very early on, people noticed that special healing water and clean air are healthy for body, mind and soul. The bathing and drinking cures, in combination with seven to eight-hour hikes in the nearby forest of Peiden Bad, contributed significantly to the fact that the guests were quickly healed. People came from far away to heal themselves and regain their strength. In Peiden Bad women, children and men were cured who had rheumatic complaints, suffered from depression, loss of appetite, eczema or women's ailments and much more.
(Source text: Book Places of Magic)
Book available from: Surselva Tourismus AG, Info Lumnezia, Palius 32 D, 7144 Vella
Tel. 0041 81 931 18 58,
Bad Peiden, Peiden Bad
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