Info Point Viamala

Der Glaspass - Das Tor zur Aussenwelt

Der Glaspass - Das Tor zur Aussenwelt
Verteilung der Post durch den «Post-Öhi» mit dem Pferdeschlitten von Safien Platz nach Thalkirch. (Bild: Bibliothek Safien)

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Säumerspielplatz beim Gasthaus Beverin (Bild: Naturpark Beverin)



"For centuries, the Glass Pass was the gateway to the outside world for the people of Safi. In summer, the goods were transported from valley to valley with the Tragreff, a wooden frame that was carried on the back. In winter, the very steep descent to Safien could be overcome by sledge over the snow road. At that time, the farmers of Safien Platz owned meadows on glass and had to pull the hay from the barn down into the Safien Valley in winter. The postman brought the mail from Thusis over the Glaspass to Safien on foot and back on the same day. Until the fifties of the 20th century, the Safiers still went with their cattle over glass to the 'Thusnermärt'." Mattli Hunger, Walser, grew up in the Safien Valley

For centuries, the Glass Pass was the most important connecting route for the inhabitants of the Safien Valley. They regularly hiked over the Glaspass to Thusis to get food and other goods. The interest for the Cazis monastery was transported over the pass and the Safiers often sold their cattle at the market in Thusis. In winter, sleds were used to transport materials, in summer the carrying reef, a wooden frame on the back, was used. The load was tied down with ropes and knots so that it arrived safely at its destination. The steep ascent from Safien to Innerglas, which was also called "Stägä" because of its many curves, took about 1 1/2 hours. Avalanches, debris flows and fallen trees made it even more difficult to pass. In 1501, Tschappina took over the maintenance of the road. This was complex and repeatedly led to disputes between Tschappina and Safien. Nevertheless, this route was easier to keep open than the path over the Safierberg to Splügen in the south of the Safiental.

Construction of the road in the Safien Valley

The Glaspass lost its importance when the road from Thalkirch to Versam was built in 1885 and the valley opened up to the north. At that time, the journey by stagecoach from Safien Platz to Versam took four to five hours in good weather conditions. The mail, which used to be brought over the Glaspass by car, could now be delivered to Thalkirch by carriage. It was not until the winter of 1953/54 that the horse-drawn carriage was replaced by a post bus in winter.


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